What day of the week was April 1, 2001?
The day of the week April 1st, 2001 fell on was a Sunday. There were 14 days until Easter Sunday.
Olivia Barclay the English astrologer (b. 1919) died on this day in 2001. As did Jo-Jo Moore the American baseball player (b. 1908) , Trinh Cong Son the Vietnamese guitarist and composer (b. 1939) .
An EP-3E United States Navy surveillance aircraft collides with a Chinese People's Liberation Army Shenyang J-8 fighter jet. The Navy crew makes an emergency landing in Hainan the China and is detained. Former President of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević surrenders to police special forces the to be tried on war crimes charges. Same-sex marriage becomes legal in the Netherlands the the first contemporary country to allow it.