What day of the week was June 3, 1963?

The day of the week June 3rd, 1963 fell on was a Monday.

Rudy Demotte the Belgian politician, 8th Minister-President of the Walloon Region was born on 03 June in 1963. As was Anica Dobra the Serbian actress , Toshiaki Karasawa the Japanese actor .

Edmond Decottignies the French weightlifter (b. 1893) died on this day in 1963. As did Pope John XXIII (b. 1881) , Nâzım Hikmet Ran the Greek-Turkish poet, author, and playwright (b. 1902) .

The Buddhist crisis: Soldiers of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam attack protesting Buddhists in Huế the South Vietnam, with liquid chemicals from tear-gas grenades, causing 67 people to be hospitalised for blistering of the skin and respiratory ailments.