What day of the week was July 4, 1963?

The day of the week July 4th, 1963 fell on was a Thursday.

Ute Lemper the German singer and actress was born on 04 July in 1963. As was Laureano Márquez the Spanish-Venezuelan political scientist and journalist , José Oquendo the Puerto Rican-American baseball player and coach , William Ramallo the Bolivian footballer and coach , Michael Sweet the American singer-songwriter, guitarist, and producer (Stryper and Boston) .

Bernard Freyberg the 1st Baron Freyberg, New Zealand general and politician, 7th Governor- General of New Zealand (b. 1889) died on this day in 1963. As did Pingali Venkayya the Indian activist, designed the Flag of India (b. 1876) .